[Solved] Problem with LiberKey shortcuts
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[Solved] Problem with LiberKey shortcutsHow can I add some shortcuts to computer's desktop (shortcuts should be removed after USB has been removed),
using LiberKey Portable Desktop Shortcut. When I click on Add Portable Shortcuts nothing happens... Also in LiberKey when I go to configuration/autorun on the right there are some small icons(Info, shortcuts...), all of those icons are grey and unclickable. How can I make them clickable? P.S. I have translated LIberKey into Serbian and I was wondering when will be a new LK update so anyone can use my translation? Dernière édition par Bojan le 09 Janvier 2013, 15:54, édité 1 fois.
Re: Problem whit LiberKeyHello and welcome on forums.
To add some shortcuts to computer desktop, simply drag and drop icon of these apps from menus to the desktop. For add and remove it when the Liberkey start or close, you must have checked the lines : Adds portable shortcuts when the menu starts or Remove portable shortcuts when the menu close in Liberkey Tools => Configuration => Liberkey Tools. At the moment, if you want delete one of them, but not all these portable shortcuts you must edit the file PDS.xml in L:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\PDS\PDS.xml (L is your letter's drive ) and remove manualy the lines Shortcut name=yourappLKL.exe to /shortcut in DesktopShorcuts section like :
For your translation work, I hope vagabond could integrate it quickly. JP4U
Re: Problem whit LiberKey
Or simply manually delete the shortcut on your desktop and use: Remove portable shortcuts then Adds portable shortcuts in Liberkey Tools. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Problem whit LiberKeyThanks, It works now...
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