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de Kyle_Katarn » 13 Février 2016, 12:01
Jagounet a écrit: andromede_dc a écrit: Jagounet a écrit: On peut s'en servir pour mettre à jour les logiciel sur la LiberKey justement ?
Ce n'est pas prévu pour cela.
Pour vos mises à jour, vous avez la fonction intégrée à la Liberkey.
ok merci, donc au moins je suis fixé, vaut mieux attendre les maj "officiel" proposé par LiberKey.
Mais tu peux utiliser SUMo pour le reste de ton système bien sûr !
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 28 Février 2016, 19:16
SUMo - 4.3.4 (Released 2016-02-28)
================================== - 0003439: [Refactoring] FreeCommander is now FreeCommander XE (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003528: [Refactoring] Merge of "SpiderOak" and "SpiderOakONE" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003537: [Refactoring] Remove leader "Author:"/"Original author:" from company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003546: [Refactoring] "Logitech options" to be filtered out (dependency) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003547: [Refactoring] "Autodesk" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003548: [Refactoring] "Handbrake team" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 13 Mars 2016, 16:54
SUMo - 4.3.5 (Released 2016-03-13)
================================== - 0003141: [Bug] Free Audio Converter detected as "Free All Converter by DVDVideoSoft" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0002644: [Bug] FreeYouTubeToMP3Converter.exe detected as "Free Studio by DVDVideoSoft" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003572: [Refactoring] "Digital Wave Ltd" to be replaced by "DVDVideoSoft Ltd." (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003571: [Refactoring] Updated French translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003568: [New Feature] SUMo shall log "get update" method (for PRO users) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003563: [Refactoring] "R&S EDV-Beratung, Hannover" change to "Buhl Tax Service, Hannover" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003562: [Refactoring] "Colin Mackie" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003554: [Bug] Unable to check "NAPS2" for updates (server return or empty answer) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003555: [Refactoring] "NAPS2" product & company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 20 Mars 2016, 22:51
SUMo - 4.3.6 (Released 2016-03-20)
================================== - 0003582: [Bug] Wrong version reported for TOR Browser (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003583: [Bug] Wrong company name for "TOR Browser" (reported as "Mozilla Foundation") (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003440: [Bug] Incorrect installed version detected for EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003556: [Refactoring] MSIAfterburner wrong name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003577: [Refactoring] "Mortal Universe" is now "Esumsoft" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003580: [Refactoring] Portuguese (Brazil) translation updated (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 02 Avril 2016, 18:10
SUMo - 4.3.7 (Released 2016-04-02)
================================== - 0003598: [Refactoring] " software engineering & consulting GmbH" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003585: [Bug] AviDemux 2.6.12 reported as 2.6.14 (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003597: [Bug] World of Tanks wrongly detected. (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003584: [Refactoring] Updated italian translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 11 Avril 2016, 21:41
SUMo - 4.3.8 (Released 2016-04-11)
================================== - 0003253: [Refactoring] Easy Guide Viewer by Canon to be filtered out (device dependant) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003613: [Refactoring] "Huawei" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003614: [Refactoring] "Olympus" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003599: [Refactoring] "Steamcore" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003615: [Refactoring] 'update.log' to be deleted along with 'update.exe' at SUMo start (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003627: [Bug] SUMo_00000436.SPK is not correct (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003604: [Bug] Updated Turkish translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 18 Avril 2016, 00:05
SUMo - 4.3.9 (Released 2016-04-18)
================================== - 0003423: [New Feature] Unnecessary Click in context Menu -> Get Update" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003631: [New Feature] Preliminary implementation of licence verification protocol (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 12 Mai 2016, 22:17
SUMo - 4.3.13 (Released 2016-05-12)
=================================== - 0003754: [Refactoring] "thank you" window not translated in french and not centered (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003763: [Refactoring] "SINOVO" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003765: [Refactoring] "." not a valid company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003759: [Bug] Bug in the licence verification protocol (potential null char in temp file name) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 22 Mai 2016, 21:18
SUMo - 4.3.14 (Released 2016-05-22) [ View Issues ]
=================================== - 0003769: [Refactoring] "Dassault Systèmes" multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003783: [Bug] When selecting manual update, SUMo is supposed to close, but does not (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003781: [Refactoring] Updated Portuguese (standard) translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 16 Juin 2016, 23:08
SUMo - 4.4.1 (Released 2016-06-16)
================================== - 0003800: [Refactoring] Razer Cortex by Razer Inc. detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003811: [Refactoring] "Bluetooth Tray (64 bits) by Broadcom" to be ignored (hardware/OS dependant) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003801: [Refactoring] "Canon Quick Menu" replaces "Canon Solution Menu EX" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003807: [Bug] "Free Software Foundation" is not a valid company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003799: [Refactoring] "Update by GitHub" to be filtered (dependancy) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003813: [Bug] AdwCleaner 5.200 reported as 5.20000 (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
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