Proposer et présenter de nouvelles applications qui pourraient être intégrées
de Kyle_Katarn » 09 Juillet 2016, 15:51
SUMo - 4.4.2 (Released 2016-07-09)
================================== - 0003819: [Refactoring] licence revocation if not validated by main server on current version (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003820: [Refactoring] JRiver Media center multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 27 Août 2016, 12:00
SUMo - 4.5.1 (Released 2016-08-27)
================================== - 0003927: [New Feature] Troubleshooting stats on server checks (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003925: [Refactoring] "Bitvise" rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003921: [Refactoring] "Free Time" (Format Factory) company rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003915: [Bug] NbRun and NbExport counters not working (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 01 Octobre 2016, 00:12
SUMo - 5.0.2 (Released 2016-09-30)
================================== - 0004065: [Refactoring] Updated french translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004064: [Refactoring] Updated english translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004033: [Refactoring] Larger "labels" on top of HMI (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004030: [Refactoring] Larger "drivers update" button (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004039: [New Feature] Counter on Degraded mode activation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004038: [Refactoring] "Samsung Electronics" as product name to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0003980: [Refactoring] "WonderFox Soft, Inc" company rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004063: [Refactoring] "Open Source", "Open Source Community" are invalid Company names (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004060: [Refactoring] Updated german translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004035: [Bug] Protect potential database code injection using licence verification routine and forged licence (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 16 Octobre 2016, 01:09
SUMo - 5.0.4 (Released 2016-10-16)
================================== - 0004042: [New Feature] Filter Results by clicking on the counters (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004084: [Refactoring] "Dashlane, Inc." multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004079: [Refactoring] Updated Japanese translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004075: [Refactoring] Updated Chinese translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 22 Octobre 2016, 11:15
SUMo - 5.0.5 (Released 2016-10-22)
================================== - 0003374: [Refactoring] "Update", "Auto-Updater", "Auto Update", ... to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004096: [Refactoring] "Mathworks" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004095: [Refactoring] "Curse, Inc" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004090: [Bug] Sorting by click on label work in the wrong way (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004094: [Refactoring] Updated Ukrainian translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 28 Octobre 2016, 23:22
SUMo - 5.0.6 (Released 2016-10-28)
================================== - 0004110: [Bug] Wrong version for "Maxthon" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004109: [Refactoring] "Plex inc" to be renamed "plex, inc." (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004108: [Refactoring] "Buy now" button shall disappear immediately after entering a valid licence (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004107: [Refactoring] "Thomas Parkison" company name rationalisation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004104: [Refactoring] "Eassos Technology Co., Ltd." company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004103: [Refactoring] Strip leading (c) in company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004097: [Refactoring] "Dell" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved. - 0004099: [Refactoring] "Adobe System Incorporated" to be renamed "Adobe Systems, Inc." (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 12 Février 2017, 19:26
SUMo - 5.1.2 (Released 2017-02-12)
================================== 0004246: [Bug] Malwarebytes incorrectly reported as 3.0.0 (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 10 Septembre 2017, 21:31
SUMo - 5.3.5 (Released 2017-09-10)
================================== 0004456: [Refactoring] "Nenad Hrg " rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) 0004453: [Refactoring] French translation update (Kyle_Katarn) 0004455: [Refactoring] Updated brazilian translation (Kyle_Katarn) 0004403: [Bug] Incorrect Slack Version Detected (Kyle_Katarn) 0004458: [Refactoring] "f.lux" company rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 23 Septembre 2017, 09:37
SUMo - 5.3.6 (Released 2017-09-23)
================================== 0004474: [Refactoring] Zenmap application missing company name. (Kyle_Katarn) 0004472: [Refactoring] Missing Company name for exiftool (Kyle_Katarn) 0004480: [Refactoring] Zemana AntiMalware. (Kyle_Katarn) 0004478: [Refactoring] "Red Gate Software Ltd" rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) 0004479: [Refactoring] "LG Electronics" rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) 0004466: [Bug] "Ant" company rationalisation (Kyle_Katarn) 0004469: [New Feature] "D'Artagnan vulnerability" fix (part I : Licence check) (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
de Kyle_Katarn » 30 Septembre 2017, 22:26
SUMo - 5.3.7 (Released 2017-09-30)
================================== 0004465: [Bug] When using a banned UID, SUMo attempts to close but fails. (Kyle_Katarn) 0004473: [Bug] Tor Browser (Kyle_Katarn) 0004486: [Bug] "Google Drive Sync" wrong identification (Kyle_Katarn) 0004488: [Refactoring] "Conexant Systems" rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) 0004487: [Bug] ACDSee wrongly identified (Kyle_Katarn)
Senior Boarder
Messages: 439Inscription: 11 Août 2008, 22:49
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