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Messagede guest » 22 Octobre 2010, 03:52

I mean the real PuTTy; not this buggy KiTTY nonsense, please.


An SSH client is a serious tool which is often used to do real work. Some of us need stability, not bells and whistles. I'm assuming there is some reason for it not being included already, as this is pretty standard stuff.


Messagede Jack » 22 Octobre 2010, 10:30

Why don't you start by saying "Hello"?
It may help in any "Forum".
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Messagede Dji » 22 Octobre 2010, 12:51

I didn't find kitty so bugged...
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes !
Parce qu'on est surentraînés !"
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Messagede opendev » 22 Octobre 2010, 16:11


Last release of Putty has been released the 2007-04-29

Kitty is based on Putty (same core source code) and is managed and improved regularly.

I am very surprised with your post, I use Kitty every day and without problem, no bug on my side!

So, could please list all bugs, I will be pleased to share it with the developper and I am sure that it will be fixed quickly.
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Messagede guest » 22 Octobre 2010, 18:41

So if i'd been super polite it might have upset the bias towards KiTTY here? That is what concerns me, not making friends.

Sometimes people need a wakeup call from the "I like waffles so we will only sell waffles" mentality. Over 300 programs and no original PuTTY? I don't care how many people post here saying that "KiTTY is awesome because it has neat features", on my side of the globe, PuTTY is the de facto standard.

I am aware of the status of PuTTY, and I know what KiTTY is. I didn't post here to report bugs for software I don't want to use, but since you asked here are four obvious ones:

1)Create a folder, then try to delete the folder -> crash. (awful folder implementation BTW)

2)Right click on the title bar of an active session, click port forwarding, then "write your text" in the locked textbox and let me know how that goes. Makes no sense, wouldn't work even if it did make sense.

3)Create a couple folders with sessions in them, then right click on the title bar of an active session, go to saved sessions, and look at the title of your folders. They are menu items (rather than menus so you can see folder contents), and it just spawns another KiTTY process no matter which folder you click. Propagating a menu with items that all perform the same function is a bug. Anyways it defeats the purpose of the saved sessions menu, which is to provide quick access to saved sessions. If spawning a new process was what a user wants, there is a "New Session" button.

4)Right click on the title bar of an active session, click change settings, be greeted by a dialog 33% longer than it needs to be.

Besides the bugs, as far as I can tell, KiTTY is a mangled up version of a great piece of software. Things like "Folders" are just hacked right in, in this case to an existing list box. Enjoy your waffles, I'll pass.


Messagede Jack » 22 Octobre 2010, 20:00

Don't get me wrong: you can be mad at a specific soft with very good reasons.
This does not prevent you from starting your post (your very first post!) by saying "Hello" to the community of readers.
It doesn't harm. Conversely, it is appreciated in some parts of the world.
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Inscription: 09 Mars 2007, 10:57


Messagede Lockszmith » 25 Octobre 2010, 18:59

1. if you're so dissatisfied with KiTTy's implementation of added features, then use only the PuTTY implemented features.

2. KiTTy is portable while PuTTY relies on the registry - which "goes again" portable philosophy of "no traces"

3. PuTTY is not updated, and probably would not be, so just put it in you MyApps
(Read how to add in MyApps)

4. Stop bullying everyone with you harsh approach. If your not satisfied with something don't use it, use something you like, maybe even recommend it, and explain what makes it better.
PuTTY is a great piece of software, and that's why everyone here is using KiTTY, since it's 1st a portable version of PuTTy.
You want alternatives, look for them. If you find them, you are more then welcome to share them with everyone else here, and add your opinion.

But nobody owes you personally anything around here, and you're approach is terrible, and will probably only get to flaming debates, which will not influence anyone, and wont add to anyone's experience.

Calm down, focus, and explain what you want, not what you don't want.
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Messagede opendev » 25 Octobre 2010, 22:24


Following your post, a message has been sent to Cyd, the author of Kitty:
- your point 1 was solved 2 weeks ago (a user inform him directly of this bug), a beta is already available but not still published. Please, get in touch with Kitty author if you want to test the beta.

- all others points are in investigation.

The immediate answer from the author to my email shows the professionnal side of kitty. We will continue of course to trust this great software.

Edit: The author of this subject requested deletion of his account, the messages remain as "guest"
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