Some file associations do not appear in context menu anymore
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Some file associations do not appear in context menu anymoreSome file associations do not work anymore. E.g. the ones for images like jpg with e.g XnView, FastStoneViewer, Gimp, IrfanView etc. They are associated in „Key File Assoc“, but they do not appear in the context menu anymore.
How could I correct it? Here is my KeyFileAssoc.xml: or Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
Re: Some file associations do not appear in context menu anyHello.
Have you simply try repair it with one of the backup ? They are in Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\KeyFileAssoc\bak Simply close your Liberkey, rename your KeyfileAssoc.xml like keyFileAssoc_old.xml ; copy one of the backup file into KeyFileAssoc folder then rename it KeyFilesAssoc.xml and finally restart your Liberkey. JP4U
Re: Some file associations do not appear in context menu anyThank you very much JP4U,
Yes I have tried to use an old KeyfileAssoc.xml, but it stays the same. May be the backupped KeyfileAssoc.xmls contain the same error already. Thanks again. Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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