OpenOffice did not start

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OpenOffice did not start

Messagede klklein » 02 Novembre 2009, 20:01

Hello LiberKey - Team,

thanks a lot for your great software package! :)

I have one problem with OpenOffice 3.1. Starting e.g. OpenOfficeLKL.exe
I get always the message:
OpenOffic is already running. Please close the other version before launching this one!

There is no other OpenOffice running. Taskmanger shows no instance.
Trying to start after a reboot shows the same error! :(

Many thanks in advance for your kind help.
Goodbye - Adieu - Au revoir - Tot ziens - Auf Wiedersehen - Arrivederci - Adios - Aloha!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 11 Juin 2009, 14:38

Re:OpenOffice did not start

Messagede skybird » 02 Novembre 2009, 21:05

Hi klklein and welcome.
Have you a file .lock in \Apps\OpenOffice\Data\settings folder ?
Gold Boarder
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Re:OpenOffice did not start

Messagede klklein » 03 Novembre 2009, 13:04

Bon jour skybird,
no - there is no .lock file in AppsOpenOfficeDatasettings
Any idea?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 11 Juin 2009, 14:38

Re:OpenOffice did not start

Messagede opendev » 03 Novembre 2009, 13:32

Hello klklein,

Have you got an openoffice installed locally ?

If yes, there is a module which is load when windows starts in order to speedup openoffice. You should disable it ! (have a look in your systray)

Instance of openoffice are soffice.bin, soffice.exe in the task manager.
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Re: OpenOffice did not start

Messagede klklein » 06 Novembre 2009, 00:25

Hello opendev,

no openoffice task is shown in the systray and also no openoffice module is shown in the task-manager. :-(

But I found with the process explorer that soffice.exe was started as Handle by Lotus Notes with Lotus Symphony in the background when the operating system starts. Solved the problem by disabling this option in the Lotus Notes preferences.

Merci beaucoup! B)
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 11 Juin 2009, 14:38

Re: OpenOffice did not start

Messagede opendev » 06 Novembre 2009, 00:44

Great :)

If i remember, symphony is based on openoffice...
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Platinum Boarder
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