File Assoc - Update overrides Settings

A problem using LiberKey ?
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File Assoc - Update overrides Settings

Messagede spotting » 03 Avril 2010, 01:59


Inside of Liberkey, i have Firefox, chromium, QTWeb and Opera (stable) integrated.
But as my default browser i want to use Opera's latest snapshot. So i added it to my Asuite (Liberkey) as "my softwares" and to File Associations, too.

This works fine.

Every time there is an update to File Assoc, my personal changes to "url", "http" ... etc. are changed to liberkeys Firefox.

How can i prevent these behavior?

best regards spotting
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 15 Novembre 2009, 20:20

Re: File Assoc - Update overrides Settings

Messagede Laurentxp » 03 Avril 2010, 08:21

LiberKey Tools, LiberKey configuration, Tab Installation
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