Liberkey starts very slow!

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Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede wengu » 27 Décembre 2010, 23:06


I use liberkey on one computer and it works very well and fast. But now on a new (faster) computer when I start Liberkey, the Icon is also quik in the Taskbar, but it takes about five minutes until the menu pops up in the Window!

Is there somone who knows the solution? (firewall or sothing ells...)?

Thanks, Guido
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 27 Décembre 2010, 23:00

Re: Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede terminator1234 » 28 Décembre 2010, 13:16

The reason might be due to a problem with the graphics card on your newer PC. Try disabling the menu animations. Here's how

Liberky Tools -> Liberkey Configuration -> User Interface -> Disable all animation effects

If that doesn't work try reinstalling Liberkey. Good luck and keep us posted :bigsmile:
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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Re: Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede Dji » 28 Décembre 2010, 13:50

Do you have some applications lauched at Liberkey startup ?
If yes, try to deactivate applications launch at startup and restart Liberkey in order to know if it starts faster.

You can also try to set up manually effects speed to 100 ms instead of default (would be 400 ms but it depends on your windows setup).
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Re: Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede wengu » 02 Janvier 2011, 23:25

Hi again

I tryed the 2 solutions, but I have allreadey the same problems...

I tryed to reinstall the Liberkey but it's the same...

any other ideas? Must i delete sometihnig (registry or something else) to reinstall?

Thanks for further answeres!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 27 Décembre 2010, 23:00

Re: Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede JP4U » 03 Janvier 2011, 00:41

Good evening.

Can you give us more information about your computer (hardware system, windows'version, etc...) and the technical informations of your liberkey (Liberkey Tools => Liberkey configuration => Technical information).
Are you using your Liberkey installed on an USB stick or installed directly on your HDD ?
In advance thanks.

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Re: Liberkey starts very slow!

Messagede tsh332 » 27 Mars 2011, 23:09

I have the exact same problem. I am running Liberkey from a 4GB SanDisk Cruzer USB stick which is less than half full. The system is a Lenovo R52 32bit laptop running Windows 7 with 2GB of RAM. Liberkey starts up EXTREMELY slow (often taking 2-3 minutes to start). I have no applications whatsoever running at startup and having my virus protection software disabled results in no improvement. Any suggestions? It is almost unuseable like this. I previously used U3 launchpad running off the same USB key and it started immediately.
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 27 Mars 2011, 23:00

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