Explorer++ - Version 1.1 (5/4/2010)

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Explorer++ - Version 1.1 (5/4/2010)

Messagede mister drague » 31 Août 2010, 14:18

Explorer++ is a free multi-tab file manager for Windows.
Available on Windows XP and above, it features the same familiar interface as Windows Explorer, while introducing several enhancements and improvements for a much richer file browsing experience.


With the option to save to the registry or a configuration file, Explorer++ is completely portable.
Tabbed browsing for easy management of multiple folders.
Display window shows previews of files as they are selected.
Easy-to-remember keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation.
Customizable user interface.
Full drag-and-drop support with other applications, including Windows Explorer.
Advanced file operations such as merging and splitting supported.

Langue : Anglais (simple)
Site Officiel: http://www.explorerplusplus.com/

Version 1.1 Released - 5/4/2010
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mister drague
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Junior Boarder
Messages: 78
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:52
Localisation: Eyguières,France

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