Liberkey v5: req limited "most used" list & schedule start
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Liberkey v5: req limited "most used" list & schedule startHello development team,
I want to say thank you for the new version. I love it. I have to questions: 1) "most used" list: I like that feature, but is there a chance to limit the list. My list is growing and growing and I use it as Floating menu. A long list is not so useful in my opinion, I just want my top 10-15 most used apps in a mini floating menu on my desktop. Do I miss some configuration options or is it not possible to limit the list yet ? 2) I miss the possibility to schedule the start of some apps. I cant find that feature in v5 anymore. In v4 I used that feature to remind me for some tasks (defrag my harddisk in lunch break, Search some modified files with SearchmyFiles etc. Do you still support that possibility in v5 ? Kind regards big Liberkeyfan
Re: Liberkey v5: req limited "most used" list & schedule staHello wildRiver,
You can find this settings in: LiberKeyTools >> LiberKey Configuration >> Advanced options
This feature is not implemented.
Re: Liberkey v5: req limited "most used" list & schedule staHello skybird,
thank you very much for your quick reply. I found the option to limit the list, thank you for the hint! It would be great, if you could implement the schedule feature in one of the upcoming releases/upodates! River
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