Purg Liberkey4 files from Liberkey5 installation

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Purg Liberkey4 files from Liberkey5 installation

Messagede macpat » 21 Juillet 2010, 14:04

Hi, guys

I'm very satisfied with Liberkey5 even beta, so my question is: What I need to do to delete all references and files of LK4 from my installation (LK4 +LK5 beta)?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 9
Inscription: 29 Décembre 2009, 19:33

Re: Purg Liberkey4 files from Liberkey5 installation

Messagede Laurentxp » 21 Juillet 2010, 15:15

You can dowload LiberKey Platform 5.0.100 beta and copy the folders LiberKeyMenu (LiberKeyTools), Apps and MyApps.
Remove the folder Asuite in the Apps folder
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Re: Purg Liberkey4 files from Liberkey5 installation

Messagede macpat » 21 Juillet 2010, 16:51

Thanks Lauren

only for information for others users I also done this:

- maintain almost all old xml files in order to have the same configuration
- was necessary to modify the firsts lines in the old KeyFileAssoc.xml with the lines from the new one to maintain all Files Associations, the old one we can find it in ..\Apps\KeyFileAssoc
- delete the folder ..\Apps\KeyFileAssoc

the easy why to make this is to use Free Commander available in Liberkey and compare the structure and files
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 9
Inscription: 29 Décembre 2009, 19:33

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