
A problem using LiberKey ?
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Messagede Brumla » 31 Décembre 2018, 01:54

Hi, sorry I can verry bad English

at startup of Liberkey a table will appear
"Liberkey Menu v5.8.1": File not found.
Can You help to resolve this ?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Novembre 2013, 14:07

Re: failed

Messagede andromede_dc » 31 Décembre 2018, 19:24


This file should be there:
X: \ LiberKey \ LiberKeyTools \ LiberKeyMenu
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

Re: failed

Messagede Brumla » 05 Janvier 2019, 14:15

It is o.k., but the table appears permanently.
what exactly the file looks for ?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Novembre 2013, 14:07

Re: failed

Messagede andromede_dc » 08 Janvier 2019, 20:47

Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

Re: failed

Messagede Brumla » 20 Janvier 2019, 19:25

that's how in a fool, that file is in place and the table is still showing! !
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Novembre 2013, 14:07

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