Menues pop under

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Re: Missing menu text

Messagede rtdos » 09 Janvier 2012, 23:52

I also have this problem. When I right click on the a menu item, the sub menu's hide behind the launcher or don't appear at all.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 05 Mars 2009, 05:33

Re: Missing menu text

Messagede JP4U » 10 Janvier 2012, 00:12

@ rtdos

Your problem seems be different, your menu pops under.

For more details see
It's a known bug, but infortunately, it's a Windows problem, not only a Liberkey's bug.

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Team LiberKey
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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Menues pop under

Messagede rtdos » 10 Janvier 2012, 23:23

Is there a way, then to have the pop up menu pop up more off to the side away from the launcher so that we can "grab" it and move it?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 05 Mars 2009, 05:33

Re: Menues pop under

Messagede bichlepa » 11 Janvier 2012, 17:33

Why wont you install the hotfix? This will solve your problem.
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: Menues pop under

Messagede Henri Golan » 11 Janvier 2012, 18:30

bichlepa a écrit:Why wont you install the hotfix? This will solve your problem.

Perhaps, but perhaps not. It didn't solve the problem for me.
Henri Golan
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 28
Inscription: 28 Juillet 2010, 16:35


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