patch update problem

A problem using LiberKey ?
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patch update problem

Messagede Dukewayne9 » 21 Février 2011, 07:07

I am running LK v 5.1.0201 on Win7. I get a popup telling me a patch is available, but when I try to run the patch I get an error message " Votre LiberKey est encore en cours d'execution apres la tentative de fermature automatique". How do I correct the problem and why is it telling me this in French when I have English set as the default?

I figured out why the patch wouldn't work. After clicking update, I had to use Task Manager to close the LiberKey process and then the patch worked.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 25 Juillet 2009, 22:55

Re: patch update problem

Messagede Dji » 21 Février 2011, 13:51

Did you set up some applications to close at Liberkey Menu closure ?
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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