recently developed a problem adding new programs to version 5.0 liberkey, I have set up several 5.0 liberkeyin the past few months. With no major issue all of a sudden after a few patches they all developed an issue with adding new programs where a error message appears during the first stage of downloading. In which the update checker requests for Internet, I always have Internet connection but for some reason once I say yes to there is Internet the whole process crashes. after verifying that it wasn't caused by changes in my network, router or hardware. I can only conclude that it has something to do with recent patches or updates. Error message says in effect, Application version Checker V1.3.178
An error has occurred while attempting to update application information. And asks whether I am currently connected to the Internet, with yes and no buttons either one cause the same crash.
hoping somebody can help me with this puzzling problem, software is not my thing but I use the liberkey daily to help others. Primarily older individuals with simple computer issues. For free.
Thanks again,