[solved]Is it possible to move the MyDocuments folder?

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[solved]Is it possible to move the MyDocuments folder?

Messagede ribbit » 15 Avril 2011, 12:07

The liberkey MyDocuments folder's default location is under the LiberKey folder, in my case P:\LiberKey\MyDocuments
Since I "believe" in separating the data from the application (I hope you'll agree with me this is a good idea), I wanted to move it to be directly under the drive, meaning: P:\MyDocuments.
Unfortunately, this default location is tightly integrated with the LiberKey option to "Create Sent to / My portable documents" temporary shortcut, under the advanced options.

The "problem" is: you can't update that send-to link. Or am I wrong? Would you consider adding an option to do that in a future release?

[Actually, I was hopping I could put in inside TrueCript volume, and use the LiberKey autorun feature to start it automatically.]
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 12:29

Re: Is it possible to move the MyDocuments folder?

Messagede vagabond » 18 Avril 2011, 13:43

ribbit a écrit:The liberkey MyDocuments folder's default location is under the LiberKey folder (...) I wanted to move it to be directly under the drive, meaning: P:\MyDocuments.(..)
Would you consider adding an option to do that in a future release?
Hello ribbit,
Yes we would.
Actually, it's done in the version currently available in the beta channel. :bigsmile:
Once the update is done, try this:
- Close your LiberKey menu.
- Go to the folder "LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data" and edit the file named "user_prefs.xml" (please, make a backup before modifying it)
You must add a new part into the xml code like this:
Code: Tout sélectionner
(--- Just after the UserConfig tag, insert something like that: ---)


(--- leave the end of the file unchanged ---)
- restart your LiberKey.

The path used by the LiberKey menu should now be the one you specified.
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Re: Is it possible to move the MyDocuments folder?

Messagede ribbit » 18 Avril 2011, 21:10

That was fast!
Thank you kindly.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 12:29

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