vagabond a écrit:Hello spotting,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to make a detailed analysis of the problem and explain as clearly.
This evolution is part of the "todo list" and should appear in the next releases of the portabilizer.
Well, It seems in the last 2 Month, nothing happened regarding this problem.
Is there any Update regarding this problem?
And - I've read your Answer a few times. I think we should take a look at one Szenario.
A Liberkey User starts working on his Windows. (7 or Vista)
He starts CCleaner (Portable inside of Liberkey). Windows User Account Control is asking and Portablizer earns administrative privileges
While CCleaner is working in the background, he starts for example Firefox. Portablizer gives Firefox Administrative privileges - and the User does not know.
20 Minutes Later. Firefox is still running, the user is clicking on a manipulated link. He is transmitted to an altered website. 2 seconds later his System crashes.
When he starts his System again, his Computer is part of a new Mailing Network, -> he does not see that - And every on-line banking transaction, every password, every privacy date would be seen by the hacker who manipulated the altered website.
2 Day Later your Liberkey user goes to his bank, to draw money. But there is no money.
hmmm ...
If you do not want to see more instances of portablizer running, then it should be a great idea to give the user a chance to accept administrative privileges for
each program despite the fact that the portablizer is working with administrative privileges.
A Liberkey User starts working on his Windows. (7 or Vista)
He starts CCleaner - Portable inside of Liberkey - Portablizer earns Administrative privileges
While CCleaner is working in the background, he starts ... Firefox. Portablizer gives Firefox Administrative privileges - and the User does not know.
I'm no programmer behind Portablizer ... but i have an idea.
If you are using file manager with admin privileges - and start a program (exe - file) it inherits these administrative privileges. If you are clicking on a shortcut (INK - File) UAC is asking again.
So - If Portablizer is Running (with administrative privileges) and you want to start a new program use the shortcut. If Portablizer is not running, use the old way.