update of chrome 28.0.1500.71

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Re: update of chrome 28.0.1500.71

Messagede JP4U » 14 Août 2013, 00:58

Good evening.

Thanks for all these tests.

Personally I don't understand why you have the bug for the versions' numbers and for the drag and drop of lks in your Liberkey. I'll sent a copy of files you sent me to Dji and vagabond , perhaps could understand more.

Updates on your Liberkey will probably works correctly in future but not absolutely sure.
So if you want, you can try a new installation.

It's not necessary reinstall all applications if you've already personalised some of them.

You can copy Apps directory into your new Liberkey (as your MyApps directory) and use LiberkeyTools => Manage applications if the auto-detection of new apps don't work. In Manage portable applications you can force the detection by click on Add application => From "Apps" folder... (or by Repair damaged applications).

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Re: update of chrome 28.0.1500.71

Messagede Dji » 14 Août 2013, 08:13

You can install Liberkey over the current one, you won't loose your settings or installed apps (even your personal ones)
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