
A problem using LiberKey ?
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Messagede dirkschoeters » 19 Octobre 2012, 09:09

Hi, I would like to install the LibreOffice suite but when after a short donwload time I receive the message that LibreOffice has been installled but I can't find it in the menu and it is also not installed on the USB drive with LiberKey on it. Then I try to download the lks file manually but I have no idee how to install this file. Anyone encountered the same problem. (Even OpenOffice has the same issues)


Dirk Schoeters
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Inscription: 19 Octobre 2012, 09:01

Re: LibreOffice

Messagede JP4U » 19 Octobre 2012, 22:02

Hello and welcome on forums.

Normally, you can add a .lks manually by a double clic on it , when the liberkey is runing.

But it seems exist a problem with your configuration and the installation has .

So can you verify if it already exists a file named
1) LibreOffice or
2) LibreOffice_failed_yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss or Libre_office_yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss)
in L:\Liberkey\Apps directory. (L: is the letter of your drive)

1) If a libreOffice directory exists, you can try a detection of it by
LiberkeyTools => Manage applications => Add/remove programs. In the Manage portable applications' windows click the button Add application then choose Repair damaged application.
2) If you have a directory LibreOffice_failed... or like this LibreOffice_2012-10-17_18-21-10 the installation has aborted.
Perhaps a process of LibreOffice, is still running. Try to kill it by the windows'manager (CTRL + ALT + Del once)
before trying a new installation.
3) If you have no LibreOffice directory, try a new installation (download again the lks file if necessary)

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Re: LibreOffice

Messagede DennisW » 24 Octobre 2012, 08:07

After updating LiberOffice to the latest version, when I try to start it I get an error message
Your Liberkey must be updated to run this application.
You can use LibreOffice after applying the latest LiberKey patch.

Starting LibreOfice directly (from the directory) is working.
I couldn't find any patch for LiberKey. Did anybody encounter the same issue?
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Re: LibreOffice

Messagede corbeausauvage » 24 Octobre 2012, 08:55


Yes DennisW, I have exactly the same problem (I'm using the French version though). And no patch for LK.
I'd rather not uninstall/reinstall LO suite if it is only a LK launcher issue
Config: Dell XPS M1330 / Seven integral.
Pour que LK soit livrée avec toute nouvelle installation Windows ^^
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Re: LibreOffice

Messagede pango » 24 Octobre 2012, 09:03

You need to place liberkey in beta mode

Ctrl + click "liberkey tools"
Check for update : choose "beta"
update your liberkey
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Re: LibreOffice

Messagede vagabond » 24 Octobre 2012, 10:52

oops :cry:
The restart is not easy .. I must remind me a lot of things :blush:

Thank you for feedback, and to have proposed a solution !

I just released the patch that was in beta.
This version uses the font management which is the latest improvement added to the portabilizer and menu.
I just forgot that the new LibreOffice package is using this feature :whistle:

For information, fonts present in the following directories can be used while LibreOffice is running:
You can create subdirectories, content is read recursively.

Fonts in directory MyFonts (create it in the root of your LiberKey next to MyApps, MyDocuments, etc. ..) can be used while your LiberKey menu is running.
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