Better to install on "USB-stick" or on Cell phone?

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Better to install on "USB-stick" or on Cell phone?

Messagede Spiralis » 23 Juillet 2011, 11:47


I installed LiberKey and a suite on my HTC Desire HD phone, and it seems to work.

1) I don't quite understand if it's better to keep it on a simple usb-stick and...why?

2)Will all the softwares "install" on my phone and / or the pc's I bring it to, or do the softwares (apps) not "install" at all?

I'm not so tecky so please keep it simple :) Thank you!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 22 Juillet 2011, 10:58

Re: Better to install on "USB-stick" or on Cell phone?

Messagede bichlepa » 24 Juillet 2011, 20:33

2) The applications are not installed on your PC. LiberKey and all applications are portable. That means, outside the LiberKey folder there are no files that belong to any application.
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Re: Better to install on "USB-stick" or on Cell phone?

Messagede Dji » 25 Juillet 2011, 12:42

Please have a look to the definition of Portable Application

Of course, whatever you do with a USB Key can be done with a flash or local hard drive and depends on your needs.
e.g personnally, I do not need to put it on an USB Key because I have only one computer and I do not need to use Liberkey elsewhere, so I copied it on a local drive but if you are technician and wanted to help some collegues or friends without installing any particular software in the collegues's computer, you can simply use the ones from your Liberkey (copied on your usb-key) and that's all ! (faster, easier !)

Liberkey is not supported under HTC (more commonly not supported under cell phones) and I have personanlly some doubts that lots of application are useable on an HTC, but well why not ?
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