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Messagede bichlepa » 18 Mai 2010, 09:03


Language: english
Compatiblity: Windows98 / Me / 2000.

Author's description:
Wallperizer is a desktop wallpaper changer. Once you install it, the program only asks you one directory from where to use pictures as desktop wallpaper. After this, the program will be accessible from the system tray menu.

You can add up to 100 directories where the program would look for pictures which would be used as wallpapers.

The wallpaper can be changed automatically, either in order or randomly.

Brightness normalization is an automatic process where bright pictures are made darker and dark pictures are made brighter, which can be used to bring the brightness of wallpapers close the to environmental light.

A calendar can be displayed on the wallpaper. Calendars have skins. You can edit, load and save calendar skins.

I like this program. The calendar can be desighned in any way you want.

Website: http://www.gardenerofthoughts.org/ideas/wallperizer/
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

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