ToolBox (Launcher)

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ToolBox (Launcher)

Messagede stanmarsh » 01 Décembre 2009, 05:31

Topic Title: ToolBox (Launcher), tested latest Version 2.89beta.

ToolBox + LiberKey Basic (sample) ... d01ky.jpg/

ToolBox Proposal in vertical arrangement (sample)

*vertical colored boxes represents categories, arrangement of apps can also be horizontal

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows
License: Freeware.
Author's description:
ToolBox is an application launcher for Windows operating systems with many amazing features. Easy to install, you can get going in minutes. Its drag & drop interface creates shortcuts to almost anything; applications, drives, folders, even simple files. ToolBox helps you organise your desktop and get rid of numerous shortcuts that clutter it and take up valuable space.

A fully portable application, ToolBox does not need installation. All you have to do is unzip the distribution files on a directory and run the executable. Upgrading your operating system does not affect it. Moving it to a different folder is never a problem. To uninstall you just delete the directory you created for the first run.

ToolBox is particularly useful for removable media (USB drives) or as an application launcher in read-only media (CD-ROM).

Summary of Features:
multiple application launching windows
shortcuts to almost everything (files, urls, folders, drives)
support for any icon size, Windows XP alpha-channel icon transparency
transparency effects even on Windows 95/98/Me
fully customisable user interface
monitor drive sizes
monitor operating system up-time

Advantages: Can show all applications at once , great application launcher, highly customizable, designed for removable media

Inconvenients: latest version still in beta

multi-antivirus: Clean ... 1259637169
Website :
Download page:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2009, 04:28

Re: ToolBox (Launcher)

Messagede 56765756 » 20 Septembre 2011, 00:28

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 11
Inscription: 19 Septembre 2011, 21:29

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