Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)

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Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)

Messagede Pootle » 23 Juin 2016, 23:42

Chrome is no longer supported on XP and Vista. Like Chrome, Slimjet is a Chromium-based browser. The developers promise "to support XP & Vista for the Slimjet project until the Chrome team injects too much code incompatible with XP and Vista into the Chromium project" ( ... bit-linux/).

Name: Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)
Languages: Many, including Welsh!
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7/8/8.1/10, Linux. 32 and 64-bit.
Author description: Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser built on top of the Chromium open-source project (on which Google chrome is based as well).
Your opinion: Excellent alternative to Chrome for XP and Vista users.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 80
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

Re: Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)

Messagede Dji » 24 Juin 2016, 08:48

The goal is nice but how long could he continue this way, one year, two years maybe ?
More time it will live, more and more - exponential - efforts will be required to continue supporting old operating systems and its related plugins like Java, Flash, etc
I understand your points but we cannot integrate such applications in our catalog which will be deprecated or unmaintained in so few years.
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Re: Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)

Messagede Pootle » 28 Juin 2016, 12:49

That's OK. For those who are interested, a portable version is available on that download page It works well for me.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 80
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

Re: Slimjet (Chromium-based browser)

Messagede Telepat » 05 Octobre 2016, 22:04

Fine. You can use "MyApps" function and easy integrate this browser to your LiberKey.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 9
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2016, 21:04

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