[Feature Request] Command line launching

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Feature Request] Command line launching

Messagede Lockszmith » 02 Décembre 2010, 08:18

I would like an option to launch any of the application on the LiberKey menu from the command line, by still launching them through the LiberKey environment.

Longer, with explanation:
It's been quite a while since I started using LiberKey.
LiberKey is actually the portable environment that got me "sold" to the idea of using mainly portable software, with it's streamlined update mechanism.

Since LiberKey 5, it makes even more sense, especially with the superb handling of the MyApps applications, and now it's environment variables support.

But I mainly "live" in the command line, where I'm alot more comfortable. I have a portable environment that works everywhere with compilers, shortcuts and scripts that make feel very comfortable at work (I'd be happy to share my tools if someone is interested).
Anyway, when I launch MyApps applications from the command line, the LiberKeyPortabilizer (this is a guess) doesn't track those applications, and when it's time to close the applications - before ejection of media - these apps don't show up on the LiberKeyClose list.

If I could have launched the application through LiberKey that would be fantastic. I don't really care about the syntax, since I can always write a script that does it my way, just that the option would be there.

Thank in advance for reading so much.
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: [Feature Request] Command line launching

Messagede skybird » 02 Décembre 2010, 19:58

Hello Lockszmith.

Lockszmith a écrit:Anyway, when I launch MyApps applications from the command line, the LiberKeyPortabilizer (this is a guess) doesn't track those applications

The LiberKeyPortabilizer only manages applications for which it has the instructions of portabilisation/management.
That means applications launched with a *LKL.exe

Lockszmith a écrit:and when it's time to close the applications - before ejection of media - these apps don't show up on the LiberKeyClose list.

It is not linked to the first point. LiberKeyAppCloser should show an application launched from MyApps directory.

In your file \LiberKeyTools\LKAppsClose\LKAppsClose.xml, check the node <CloseBase></CloseBase>.
What does it contains ?
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Re: [Feature Request] Command line launching

Messagede Lockszmith » 02 Décembre 2010, 22:33

skybird, thanks for putting me straight, and mostly for giving me a lesson in LiberKeyTools functionality.

I actually launch MyApps software sometimes from a junction that points higher up in the hirarcy.

Question: what if I changed <CloseBase>..\..\</CloseBase> to <CloseBase>\</CloseBase> will it close everything launched from the root of the drive?

As for the launching from command line, it would still be a great feature to work with from the commnad line instead from the menu GUI (I am a keyboard guy after all)
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

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