LiberKey Development

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Re: LiberKey Development

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 20 Février 2013, 20:47

:happy: There are many applications which we use almost daily, such as utilities and essential software. So keep patience and wait as there is a huge list mentioned above by Dji
In order to be more complete and transparent, we have integrated (on our internal update platform) 80 of the 200 applications initially prepared by JP4U (again over the 292 applications from the catalog).

Please be patient, we have to do it methodically and safely but surelly :bigsmile:

We all waited even when there was no updates / response for several months last year. But now things are improving - so don't get restless. B)
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Re: LiberKey Development

Messagede klunde » 21 Février 2013, 10:59

Any chance that Gimp is moving on to the top of the todo list soon?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:43

Re: LiberKey Development

Messagede Dji » 21 Février 2013, 12:02

You can follow our "update todo list" here : ... plate.html

Except for games, we follow the list from top to down and we are currently at "TreeDBNotes", so next in our list (below TreeDBNotes) is Task Coach, then Money Manager Ex, then viCompte, etc

As I said in french topic "Report an application update", if you are using a usefull application (not a game) you can report it here and I will try to incorporate it sooner in our new internal update platform (depending case and priority)

P.S : I will add Gimp sooner, but PokerTh is not a priority (we are not us government :whistle:)
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Re: LiberKey Development

Messagede klunde » 22 Février 2013, 09:58


Thanks for the update. And keep up the good work!

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:43


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