Lost my graphics category

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Lost my graphics category

Messagede waverip » 02 Mai 2011, 18:57

Hey all.

I seem to have lost my Graphics category icon on the last update. The Apps are still there, they're just not organized as they were previously with the ultimate suit. I tryed searching for the xml backup in the bak folder to no avail. They all seem to be corrupt as well. If anyone could send me a copy of their xml that would be great.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 02 Mai 2011, 18:54

Re: Lost my graphics category

Messagede JP4U » 02 Mai 2011, 20:05

Hello waverip and welcome on forums.

Try these :
Close your Liberkey.
Go in Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data and delete these files :
- icons32.cache
- icons.cache

Restart your Liberkey.

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Team LiberKey
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Re: Lost my graphics category

Messagede waverip » 03 Mai 2011, 17:30

Thanks JP. I tried what you suggested to no avail. Any other idea's?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 02 Mai 2011, 18:54

Re: Lost my graphics category

Messagede bichlepa » 03 Mai 2011, 19:53

To precize: It was not just the icon itself (the picture) that disappeared but the category itself? If so, you might have accidentally deleted this category and the applications were moved to the root category.

Maybe you can try this: Delete all shortcuts of your graphics applications. (If you delete the last one, LiberKey asks whether you want to remove this application. Click "no") Then click on LiberKey tools -> Manage applications -> Add/delete applications -> Detect new applications.
Now LiberKey should add all missing shortcuts and create the standard subfolders for them.
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