Many "send to"-"My portable documents"

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Many "send to"-"My portable documents"

Messagede bichlepa » 25 Avril 2011, 18:33

Hi. I just noticed a funny error. They are many entries in "send to"-"My portable documents" in different languages.
I don't exactly know how it happened, but I suppose that it happened when I wildly changed the LiberKey language in the settings.

Please find a solution!
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: Many "send to"-"My portable documents"

Messagede BlueMaxima » 26 Avril 2011, 07:40

Interesting, I'm guessing the language changes happened so fast it didn't have time to remove the old shortcuts. Either that or it doesn't remove the old shortcuts.
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English translator
English translator
Messages: 24
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:37

Re: Many "send to"-"My portable documents"

Messagede Dji » 26 Avril 2011, 13:10

Please check for dupplicates in the "SendTo" folder (commonly into C:\Documents and Settings\<yourloginhere>\SendTo or C:\Users\<yourloginhere>\SendTo)
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Alors tremblez, terroristes !
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
Localisation: Quelque part entre les ombres

Re: Many "send to"-"My portable documents"

Messagede bichlepa » 26 Avril 2011, 20:23

I found the shortcuts in "C:\Users\<myloginhere>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" and deleted them.
The problem is solved!
Thank you.
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

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