Programs disappear

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Programs disappear

Messagede jsantosdias » 28 Décembre 2010, 19:50


I am using Liberkey about a while, without problems. This week, I bought a new pendrive and installed the program and then one packadge. After removing the pen, plugin it back again, the programs disappear and its asks me again to install a packadge. I do that, but it gives me an error, because all apps are in the correct directory. This also happened to my brother with other pen. What is this? Any idea?

Thank you!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Décembre 2010, 19:44

Re: Programs disappear

Messagede Dji » 28 Décembre 2010, 22:46

It asks you to install or to update them ?

Try to remove readonly file attribute in Liberkey folders and subfolders.
Ensure not having Apps\<application_name>_<recent_date> folder's name. If yes, replace most recent files from those folders to Apps\<application_name> folder (ensure having the corresponding application closed before performing that)
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Re: Programs disappear

Messagede jsantosdias » 29 Décembre 2010, 00:40

Thank you for the reply!

Indeed, it's not to update. simply, there's no app at all in LiberKey menu and it askes if I want to download a packadge, as if it was the first time I run the program.

Did check apps foldes, and everything is ok!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Décembre 2010, 19:44

Re: Programs disappear

Messagede Dji » 29 Décembre 2010, 13:27

In this case, just answer "no" for a suite installation and use Liberkey Tools -> Manage portable applications -> Add/Remove programs -> Add applications -> Detect new applications
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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