[Solved] Menu disappeared
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[Solved] Menu disappearedI have been using LiberKey for some years and would not be without it.
This morning me PC crashed and when it restarted I noticed the following: Message saying LiberKey had been updated, but LiberKey.exe is dated 06/04/12 Version is <LiberKeyVersion> <Version>5.7</Version> <Lang>en</Lang> <Patch>20120620105059</Patch> </LiberKeyVersion> Liberkey menu has disappeared except for the only item I have added to My menu, which also appears in recent and most used. How can I restore or rebuild my Likerkey menu? Please help. Thanks
Re: Menu disappearedHello and welcome on forums.
Hope these crash isn't too serious In Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu you can find a directory name bak. In it, you have some backups. Close your liberkey ; rename your actual default.xml for example default_crashed.xml, then go in Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu\bak, copy one of the file like default_2012-11-29_00-36-27.xml and then rename it default.xml. After, try restart your Liberkey. It's possible you have to restore too myapps.xml ; recent.xml ; quicklaunch.xml like for default.xml Hope your Liberkey could be totally restored. JP4U
Re: Menu disappearedHi JP4U,
Thanks for the info, it helped me fix my liberkey , where the menu had also vanished. The reason seems to have been that LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu must contain default.xml, and mine didn't. Copying and renaming, from the bak folder, like you showed, did the trick. I mention this as, because I didn't have default.xml to start with, I didn't know where to put it! Thanks again
Re: Menu disappearedLove you buddy..
I just faced same issue and lost LiberKey menu. Ony MyMenu was there. With your guide, I'm able to restore it.. Thanks a lot
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