Abakt profiles.

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Abakt profiles.

Messagede mrnaughty » 07 Février 2010, 20:39

1st- Liberkey is by far the best portable apps I ever seen or used.
2nd- I moved already installed Liberkey folder from desktop PC to laptop and Abakt profiles are not working: is there a way to get Abakt profiles (Global, MyApps and ParamApps) restored to proper drive letter (mine came from e:\ to d:\)

Opening Profile "D:\LiberKey\Apps\Abakt\Data\Profiles\Profiles\MyApps.abp"...Failed. Error: TAbaktProfile::read: Parsing XML failed, closing root element not detected! Please report.

Opening Profile "D:\LiberKey\Apps\Abakt\Data\Profiles\Profiles\Global.abp"...Ok.
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\AIMP\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\aMSN\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Audacity\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\AutoHotkey\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Bill2sProcessManager\App\Bill2sProcessManager\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\ClavierPlus\App\ClavierPlus\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\ClocX\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\DupKiller\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\EssentialPIM\App\EssentialPIM\Database\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Filezilla\App\Filezilla\settings\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\GIMP\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Inkscape\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\KeyFileAssoc\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Miranda\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\OpenOffice\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Pidgin\App\Pidgin\.purple\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\RocketDock\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Stickies\App\Stickies\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Sunbird\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\Thunderbird\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\Apps\VLC\Data\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\MyApps\".
Source Root Directory does not exist: "E:\LiberKey\MyDocuments\".
And for these two profiles I don't have option to edit or correct them.
I wonder if on new download of Abakt and install it would scan Liberkey root directory and create default 3 profiles... or there some other fix that I am not aware of? :S
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:46

Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede Dji » 07 Février 2010, 22:05

Do not use Abakt if your Liberkey installation folder changed, just copy/cut and paste to the new location and that's all ! :)

Edit: if some shortcut does not work, edit the file Liberkey\Apps\Asuite\Asuite.xml and fix path like:

Into something like:
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Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede mrnaughty » 07 Février 2010, 22:27

I did just like you said, copied Liberkey folder installation to the laptop.

Shortcuts are working but profiles for Abakt when I tried to load aren't because it still remembers old install: should I re-install at new location and copy and paste the other data over?
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:46

Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede Dji » 07 Février 2010, 23:20

Why are you using Abakt profiles ? For restoring Liberkey data ? This is useless.
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Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 08 Février 2010, 08:47

Dji a écrit:Why are you using Abakt profiles ? For restoring Liberkey data ? This is useless.

Right!!- Since Abakt profiles uses static paths for reference if you change location of LiberKey installation folder it will not be able to find the paths.
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Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede mrnaughty » 11 Février 2010, 06:24

Dji a écrit:Why are you using Abakt profiles ? For restoring Liberkey data ? This is useless.

Ok, if it useless what do I use to backup settings if need to restore data for Pidgin VLC Thunderbird and so on?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:46

Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede Dji » 11 Février 2010, 10:10

You can do this in two different ways:
  • Use a synchronization tool in order to get "synchronized" two folders (you have the choice: mirroring, backup, both side synchronization) as Free File Sync or DSynchronize
  • Or just copy/paste the whole Liberkey folder into any other drive. Yes, you will also backup the binaries (but who cares ? ;) :laugh:)

If I suggest you something else than Abakt, this is because this tool does not handle relative path, consequently it is not really portable when you moved your Liberkey to another drive or folder or when the usb key have another driver letter... You have to edit profiles (.abp files) manually with any file editor as Notepad++ and search/replace wrong & old path with right & new one.

Consequently, it will be probably removed soon.
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Février 2010, 14:57

Dji a écrit:You have to edit profiles (.abp files) manually with any file editor as Notepad++ and search/replace wrong & old path with right & new one.

Yes this works.

Dji a écrit:Consequently, it will be probably removed soon.

Removed ?? :whistle: Any other Backup applicaton as replacement ?? Since I think it is used as a default application for backup jobs inside the LiberKey Tools > other tools... > Full Backup, Restore, >other backups etc.
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Re: Abakt profiles.

Messagede Dji » 11 Février 2010, 15:34

To be more precise, it will be removed from Liberkey platform and Liberkey compilations but it will remain to be added manually ;)

The mentioned shortcuts does not work as well as from the beginning, the corresponding profiles are not maintained for months, maybe for years (are they really used successfully ? :whistle:) and they will be removed from the v5 release.
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
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Parce qu'on est surentraînés !"
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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