How to import all configs from an old to a new installation?

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How to import all configs from an old to a new installation?

Messagede kokbira » 15 Juin 2011, 15:35

Well, since there is not a new LiberKey Offline Patch, I'll install the new version to a new folder. But how can I EASILY import all my configurations (apps, preferences...) from the old to the new installation? Is there an option in LiberKey to do that?
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Inscription: 09 Juillet 2010, 15:09

Re: How to import all configs from an old to a new installat

Messagede Dji » 05 Juillet 2011, 13:09

copy/paste all .xml files from LiberkeyTools folder (and subfolders) would work (but to be honest, I never tried)
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Re: How to import all configs from an old to a new installat

Messagede kokbira » 05 Juillet 2011, 13:50

I'll try later.

I have 4 LiberKey installations (2 in a notebook, 1 in a pendrive and 1 in a PC), so I would like an automatic (=easy and fast) way to sync them... But if it is easy to do with a diff program, it's ok.

I tried before with version 4 some merge, but some apps were lost...
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Inscription: 09 Juillet 2010, 15:09

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