I can´t update to the latest version

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I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede jorgedaniel » 02 Février 2011, 21:52


I have For LiberKey version 5.0.1217 and I can´t update to the latest version.
I use Windows 7.
Please help me

Best Regards
Jorge D. Guimarães
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Messages: 44
Inscription: 13 Avril 2010, 09:56
Localisation: Porto, Portugal

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede Dji » 02 Février 2011, 22:22

What's the error ?
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Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede bichlepa » 02 Février 2011, 22:40

I have this problem, too.
It stops downloading after a short time.

I have the same LiberKey version 5.0.1217 and I use Windows 7 64bit.
My antivirus is PC Tools Internet Security. Deactivating it does not help.

The speed of the internet connection might be a problem. I have only about 200kb/s.
Here you can see the use of my internet connection when I want to Update my LiberKey.
After starting the download the progress bar moves a little bit. But then it stops and nothing happens anymore. I already tried to wait about an hour but nothing happened.

My LiberKey:
LiberKey 5.0 - 20101217175330 - de (0.30)
Root folder: H:\LiberKey\
7-Zip - 9.20 - Installer\7z.exe
LiberKey Inst - - Installer\LkInst.exe
KEY Files Assoc' - - KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.exe
LiberKey Menu - - LiberKeyMenu\LiberKeyMenu.exe
LiberKey Portabilizer - - LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe
LiberKey Apps Closer - - LKAppsClose\LKAppsClose.exe
Liberkey Apps Version Checker - - LKAppsVCheck\LKAppsVCheck.exe
LiberKey Disk Ejector - 0.1.15 - LkDiskEjector\LkDiskEjector.exe
LiberKey USB Eject - 2.0.10 - LkDiskEjector\LkEject.exe
LiberKey Portable Desktop Shortcuts - - PDS\PDS.exe
WAK - 1.0.13 - WAK.exe
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede jorgedaniel » 02 Février 2011, 22:47

Hi again

I have no error. Just nothing happend. I use Windows 7 32bits.
At work I use Windows XP SP3 and it works.

Best Regards
Jorge D. Guimarães
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 44
Inscription: 13 Avril 2010, 09:56
Localisation: Porto, Portugal

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede vagabond » 03 Février 2011, 02:00

Hi jorgedaniel and bichlepa

you should try to download and launch the patch manually.
you both have version 5.0.1217 of LiberKey, the corresponding patch is available here: lbk_20110201115312_MultiLng.exe.

for other LiberKey version, have a look at this post to get more details: LiberKey offline patch
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Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede jorgedaniel » 07 Mars 2011, 23:31

I have 5.1.0218 and I can´t update to the latest version :cry:
Why I never can update the Liberkey?
Is there a software to analise my Liberkey and fix it?

Best Regards
Jorge D. Guimarães

Already fix it! Sorry. Just reboot my PC and used Administrator to run Liberkey.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 44
Inscription: 13 Avril 2010, 09:56
Localisation: Porto, Portugal

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede vagabond » 18 Mars 2011, 20:06

bichlepa a écrit:I have this problem, too.
It stops downloading after a short time.
After starting the download the progress bar moves a little bit. But then it stops and nothing happens anymore. I already tried to wait about an hour but nothing happened.
Hello bichlepa,

We've just spent the last two days around this problem...
This time we have a little hope! We found a way to reproduce the problem (at least the same symptom), then solve it. Theoretically, the connection should try to "wake up" after a few seconds of inactivity.

You can test it now by downloading this SPECIAL offline patch of LiberKey 5.2 BETA: lbk_20110318162929_BETA_MultiLng.exe. Its timestamp is one second before the one in the beta channel, so after this first offine patch you should be able to test the download of the latest patch available in the beta channel.

If you need it for an offline update, the latest official beta patch is also here: lbk_20110318162930_BETA_MultiLng.exe.

I hope this version will be able to download the patch to the end... Wait and see...

Your latest german translation is also included in the patch ;) thank you very much for this fastidious work!
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Messages: 491
Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede bichlepa » 18 Mars 2011, 22:50

Hello LiberKey team.

First of all: Thank you for spending so mutch time on my problem.
I hate to say that this did not solve the problem. Nothing has changed. I downloaded and installed the special offline patch and tried to update, but without success. Just as before the downloading process stops after a few seconds. :cry:

In order to help you to reproduce the problem I have recorded a video where you can see the internet usage while trying to update LiberKey. I send it to you via email. Maybe you will see something interesting there.
And in order to make sure that I made everything right I send my technical informations via the new send-button. You should get then the new log-file, too.

German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: I can´t update to the latest version

Messagede vagabond » 21 Mars 2011, 15:34

Hello bichlepa

Sorry .. I began to think we had found it, but obviously there is something else...
I saw an error in your logs that might be interesting. We will test in more detail as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for testing so quickly.
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Messages: 491
Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

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