[Solved] Sorry, but is a FULL BACKUP Tool a joke?

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[Solved] Sorry, but is a FULL BACKUP Tool a joke?

Messagede putzik » 02 Décembre 2009, 16:13

First I will say, the author of LiberKey made really good job. Thanks! But..., even good not excellent :ohmy:

I wanted namely save a backup of my Liberkey USB dongle

I've started also "LiberKeys Tools/other tools/Full Backup" and than was happened following:

First I saw a pop-up with the message "Backup is started", than maybe 5-7 seconds long any window with progress bar, than next 2 or 3 pop-ups with any messages (in 3 seconds you have not really any chance to read anything) and than yet another pop-up with the message "Backup is ready" and than... nothing more. This all took 10 maybe max. 15 seconds

After this I didn't know whether where the backup was saved nor what was saved :cry:.

I was only relatively sure, it wasn't a full backup of FolderKey, in 15 seconds you couldn't backup 1,4 GB of data!

Than I found out in the file "USB-Stick:\LiberKey\LiberkeyTools\LKbackup.ini", that this backup should be saved in C:\LiberKeyBackup.
There I found one relatively small (880 Kb) .zip-file with a backup and a file called ASuite.xml.

In the .zip-file inside there are a folder tree of Liberkey and in the folder "Apps" a few folders of freely choosen Applications, mostly such programs I've never used, with probably only seetings of these programms (without program files) inside. This is also all other than a "FULL BACKUP" :-(

Thus my question: what for should be such one backup action good?

When I will make a backup of anything, first I must can say, what I want to backup, second, where I want save my data.
It can not be, that any program or the computer performs any actions, especially in security sphere, without to allow a user to control these actions! :nocom:

In other ways conveys this all altogether no sense to me.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

Re: Sorry, but is a FULL BACKUP Tool a joke?

Messagede Dji » 02 Décembre 2009, 16:36

First of all, "Full backup" saves the "configuration" (folder "Data") of software located in "Apps". It also backup the folder "MyApps".

Fewer applications you have, smaller the backup will be.

I've just tried myself and "full backup" (of ultimate version) took a dozen of minutes.

If you need to "completely save your liberkey", a copy/paste is the most easy way for "full backup" your Liberkey. :)
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Re: [Solved] Sorry, but is a FULL BACKUP Tool a joke?

Messagede antas » 10 Septembre 2010, 11:40

Can someone please write a How to migrate full Liberkey installation from one USB stick to another.
Have tried the copy and paste - no success - crashes every time.
Tried the backup and install - abakt - agree - crazy program - use something simple please - also not working.
In the latest version 5 cannot even find the backup.

Excuse my ignorance. Such a great program has become part of my life and would like to continue using it even if have to pay but then it really needs to be slightly more userfriendly. Love the file associations enable\disable.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:59

Re: [Solved] Sorry, but is a FULL BACKUP Tool a joke?

Messagede Dji » 10 Septembre 2010, 13:08

Copy/paste works (if you previously close all Liberkey applications, including menu, no more liberkey processes should exists in process list)
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