
A problem using LiberKey ?
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Messagede Swami Deva Luigi » 17 Avril 2011, 17:26

Hi ,
What kind of program can I use to synchronise my Liberkey with the website/

Swami Deva Luigi
Swami Deva Luigi
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 03 Mai 2010, 12:21

Re: Synchronization

Messagede vagabond » 18 Avril 2011, 13:56

Hello Swami Deva Luigi,
Swami Deva Luigi a écrit:What kind of program can I use to synchronise my Liberkey with the website
I'm not sure to see what you mean..
Synchronising your LiberKey with the website actually means that the website reflects the contents of your LiberKey. The online catalog can show the apps in a personalized way, you can view reports of your last updates, change the online options of your LiberKey, etc (have a look to the menu "Your LiberKey" on this website)
If you mean that you want to have all apps of the catalog and keep them up to date, just take what you want and use the online update feature.
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