Select / Change Firefox Profile

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 04 Mars 2010, 14:44

At some point, I made a shortcut in Rocketdock pointing to Liberkey's Firefox. But instead of pointing to the file FirefoxLKL.exe, I pointed it to file Firefox.exe (inside the App folder).

And at another point, I imported my profile from my desktop version of Firefox in to LiberKey.

So I ended up with two profiles in LiberKey Firefox, the default one named "profile", and the one I use, named "lcx0kxfk.something".

I decided to change my shortcut to point to the proper file, FirefoxLKL.exe, so LiberKey would know that it is running and use it (instead of trying to open Firefox again, and not being able to).

Problem is that when I run the FirefoxLKL.exe, file, it opens the default profile, "profile". It won't open the other (the main) profile.

If I run firefox.exe -p, I can see my custom profile, but not the default profile.

If I try to run firefoxLKL.exe -p, nothing happens (this file is probably just a means of calling the real firefox.exe file).

If I renames the profiles, reversing their names, (call "lcx0kxfk.something" "profile" and vice-versa), Firefox opens my custom profile, but incorrectly: several extensions are not there.


How can I get my custom profile to run from firefoxLKL.exe?

Thanks for any help,

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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 04 Mars 2010, 14:58

OK. I think I solved it.

  • Made a backup of both the profiles, just in case (simply copied the folders)
  • I used a file/folder comparison software which I have, called Beyond Compare
  • Copied all the newer files on my custom profile in to the default profile

Seems to be working.

This could probably be done with the comparison tools available in LiberKey.

I hope this helps other who have been in this situation.

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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede Dji » 09 Mars 2010, 09:38

Another way for using Firefox with another profile :happy:

Firefox and profile switching (French)
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Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede skybird » 27 Mars 2010, 13:18


Multi-profiles management is now available for Firefox and Thunderbird(since Firefox 3.6.2 and Thunderbird 3.0.3 rev1 )

Supported command-line : -profile

General syntax :
Code: Tout sélectionner
FirefoxLKL.exe -profile your_profile_path

If the path is relative, it must be specified in relation to the firefox.exe executable (\ Apps\Firefox\App\firefox\firefox.exe)
If no profile is specified, the default will be used (Data\Profile)

Warning: Create the shortcut of your personalized profile in "MyApps" category. Properties of default shortcut are rewritten during updates. (in LiberKey 4.x)

Profile exemple:
profile_ff_en.png (16.89 Kio) Vu 30289 fois
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Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 27 Mars 2010, 23:04

Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 01 Avril 2010, 18:01

skybird a écrit:Hello.

Multi-profiles management is now available for Firefox and Thunderbird(since Firefox 3.6.2 and Thunderbird 3.0.3 rev1 )

Supported command-line : -profile

General syntax :
Code: Tout sélectionner
FirefoxLKL.exe -profile your_profile_path

If the path is relative, it must be specified in relation to the firefox.exe executable (\ Apps\Firefox\App\firefox\firefox.exe)
If no profile is specified, the default will be used (Data\Profile)

Profile exemple:

But, wait a minute: can't I have the profile window open, with the list of profiles, and then select one? Or even create a new one?

If not, then I think I'll have to add another shortcut in LiberKey, and have this new one also pointing to TB, but with another profile defined.
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Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede skybird » 01 Avril 2010, 18:54

MicketsBR a écrit:If not, then I think I'll have to add another shortcut in LiberKey, and have this new one also pointing to TB, but with another profile defined.

Exactly :bigsmile:
But, create this new shortcut in the "MyApps" category. (added in previous post)
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Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 01 Avril 2010, 19:45

skybird a écrit:
MicketsBR a écrit:If not, then I think I'll have to add another shortcut in LiberKey, and have this new one also pointing to TB, but with another profile defined.

Exactly :bigsmile:
But, create this new shortcut in the "MyApps" category. (added in previous post)

Before seing your reply, I simply added a new shortcut to TB, but in the same category as the original one (not under MyApps). And tt's working OK.

Is that a problem?

But in the end it won't make much of a difference, because TB is one shortcut that I access through RocketDock anyway...

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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede Dji » 09 Avril 2010, 00:14

You may add the option "-no-remote" if you want to have several Firefox launched with different profiles at the same time :bigsmile: (you will have mutiple firefox.exe under the portabilizer)
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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Re: Select / Change Firefox Profile

Messagede MicketsBR » 09 Avril 2010, 13:59

Dji a écrit:You may add the option "-no-remote" if you want to have several Firefox launched with different profiles at the same time :bigsmile: (you will have mutiple firefox.exe under the portabilizer)

I didn't know this trick!
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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

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