Notepad++ error message "Please close the other version"
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Notepad++ error message "Please close the other version"I use xplorer² Windows explorer replacement and have Notepad++ set as its editor, i.e. the editor settings points to C:\AppsPortable\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\Notepad++LKL.exe
If I have opened a file from within xplorer², but then try and bring up Notepad++ using a Liberkey hotkey combination I get the message: "Notepad++ is already running. Please close the other version before launching this one!" but the one I have running has also been called from the Liberkey LKL file, so there should not be a problem. What is going wrong?
Re: Notepad++ error message "Please close the other version"Are you really sure you did not associate some file extensions to notepad++ outside KeyFileAssoc and xplorer² ? (except to Notepad++LKL.exe)
I think particularly to this panel which adds wrong registry entries: "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Notepad++ error message "Please close the other version"
TXT files are associated with Notepad++LKL.exe
That panel is blank. I have been through the registry and deleted all references to Notepad++.exe (without LKL). That made no difference. I still have the problem :(
Re: Notepad++ error message "Please close the other version"I think I've fixed it.
The Liberkey properties, xplorer² editor settings and windows default "Open With" for TXT files did indeed all point to Netpad++LKL.exe, but in different ways. "Open With" was a direct link including root dir (C:\AppsPortable\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\Notepad++LKL.exe), Liberkey itself had a relative path (..\Notepad++\Notepad++LKL.exe) and xplorer² editor settings were relative to the editor's source root directory (%X2DIR%\..\..\Notepad++\Notepad++LKL.exe) I reset these to all be direct links, and now it works. Perhaps this could be changed in future version, since it means that the Liberkey properties cannot always be relative paths?
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