[Solved] key files associations

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Solved] key files associations

Messagede basti523 » 31 Août 2010, 08:12


i would like to use liberkey at home on my harddrive and on the otherside at work on an usb-flash drive. The both Liberkey directories will i synchronize with a syncing toy. i dont want to install two different liberkeys, cause everything should be the same on harddrive and usb-flashdrive.
I installed Liberkey on my usb-flashdrive and it works all fine. The i copied the whole Liberkey install dir from my usb-flashdrive to the Same directory in my harddrive. Everything works fine instead the key file assoc tool. When i enable the file associations in the liberkey menu all associations will be starting the linked portable software from my usb-flashdrive and not from my harddrive.

What can i do to get Liberkey working correctly on both drives without installing two different liberkeys?

Okay i am so sorry...i dont know why but know its working. I copied everything again from usb-flashdrive to my harddrive and now everything on my harddrive is working without the usb-flashdrive correctly. perfect ;)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 31 Août 2010, 07:47

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