[Solved] Updates require too much space

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[Solved] Updates require too much space

Messagede sumithar » 23 Décembre 2013, 17:52

Why do LiberKey updates require as much diskpace as is already taken up by the applications? I have a 2 GB stick with 5 or so apps. They currently occupy 900MB on this disk. When I update these apps it says it needs another 850MB for the update- makes no sense, is it reinstalling the apps in their entirety? What's going on here?

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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2010, 15:36

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede JP4U » 23 Décembre 2013, 23:55


During updates, custom software settings are retained.
So it's necessary that there is a disk space to extract the new version and copy your personal data before the old version can be completely erased.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede sumithar » 24 Décembre 2013, 00:03

OK, thank you. Lesson learnt- only install apps to use up half the available space on the disk.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2010, 15:36

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede JP4U » 26 Décembre 2013, 22:07

If you have a bit more time copy the Liberkey diretory you want update on a directory on the computer (it's better don't copy it in Windows system files or in program'files) update the apps you want, then copy on you small key all these Liberkey and after you can erase the files on the PC.

Now you can found good USB key for few euros.
You can see these subject, particulary the last pages for rapidity test for some recent USB keys.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
Messages: 3012
Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede sumithar » 02 Janvier 2014, 16:44

Thanks for the input, I'll keep that in mind. You're suggesting that I update on the PC's HDD itself, right?
I tend to buy the cheapest available USB stick for the most part- so far so good! I snagged a 32 GB on the day after T'Giving sale for like 10 bucks.
Happy New Year.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 01 Décembre 2010, 15:36

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede ribbit » 16 Avril 2014, 00:15

I'm experiencing the same "problem". I have LiberKey installed on a 16GB USB DoK and it's taking up 1GB(!) of space.
I understand that DURING the updates it needs more space, but why doesn't it clean-up afterwards?
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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 12:29

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede JP4U » 19 Avril 2014, 00:32

Good evening.

Not sure your problem is only updates of apps.

Have-you clean temp file in your web browser like Firefox, Chrome...) ?
Some other apps create also cache file(s) like L:\LiberKey\Apps\XnView\App\XnView\cache\XnView.db (L: is your letter drive) that can became big, for example 514 Mo on my PC because I'regulary use it . You can delete it when you restart and use XNview again it recreate it.

To verify what are the biggest files use Windirstat for example.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
Messages: 3012
Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: Updates require too much space

Messagede ribbit » 23 Avril 2014, 16:09

Good call on WinDirStat (had it installed).
The THIS IS A SPAM DELETE ME were: VLC (200MB) and LucasChess (70MB) and some other apps (avidemux, MPC HC).
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 12:29

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