Program that does what KeyFileAssoc.exe does?

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Program that does what KeyFileAssoc.exe does?

Messagede Dirki » 16 Décembre 2016, 13:23

Are there further program doing what KeyFileAssoc.exe does?
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: Program that does what KeyFileAssoc.exe does?

Messagede leeonell » 19 Décembre 2016, 11:53

No very good alternative :

There is eXpresso, I already tested it and ....

Keyfileassoc is fully integrated to liberkey, I never found better !
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Team LiberKey
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Re: Program that does what KeyFileAssoc.exe does?

Messagede Dirki » 28 Décembre 2016, 03:05

Many thanks for the link.

OK, so since you have tested those programs and have found there is no better one than Keyfileassoc. I should keep on using it.

Many thanks again
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Expert Boarder
Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

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