Cannot run Check software updates (silent)

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Cannot run Check software updates (silent)

Messagede 99freddo » 14 Juillet 2010, 21:58

Whenever I start Liberkey I get this message "Cannot run Check software updates (silent)". Also selecting Tools/Software update gives the same message. How do I fix the checking for new software versions?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 13 Juillet 2010, 04:06

Re: Cannot run Check software updates (silent)

Messagede Dji » 16 Juillet 2010, 12:30

I think (you or) your antivirus deleted the Liberkey Version Checker application located into LiberkeyTools folder
Download the Liberkey Platform version and replace folder LiberkeyTools\LbkAppVCheck (something like that)

In addition, check your antivirus and put LiberkeyTools folder into the application whitelist.
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