How to make your own installers

A problem using LiberKey ?
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How to make your own installers

Messagede philipdk » 28 Octobre 2011, 07:42

is there a program to make your own liberkey apps,
i have asked for heaps of apps to be added that i use
and none of them have been added, so i would like to
know if there is a program that i can use to make them
for myself so i can have them on my memory stick.

i know how to make single exe portable programs
but not a liberkey install program.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 28
Inscription: 24 Décembre 2010, 05:37

Re: How to make your own installers

Messagede Dji » 28 Octobre 2011, 16:36

This is not possible at the moment, sorry ;-)
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