Menu options are disabled but working in My Menu...

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Menu options are disabled but working in My Menu...

Messagede Farrukh » 22 Juin 2012, 12:43

I want to create and delete some Categories in Main menu, but I can't do it, as popup menu options are disabled:

while these are working fine in My Menu (for MyApps).

I even removed "ReadOnly" attribute from all the files in liberkey folder, but nothing changed :S

What could be wrong? Please help
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 27
Inscription: 03 Décembre 2010, 15:29

Re: Menu options are disabled but working in My Menu...

Messagede Farrukh » 22 Juin 2012, 13:03

I just did a workaround :woohoo:
Copied my Categories from LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\myapps.xml to LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\default.xml and removed unwanted as well. :silly:

So Categories deleted and created at the wanted place, but Its not a permanent solution and menu options disability is still there :dry:

Waiting for helpful response.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 27
Inscription: 03 Décembre 2010, 15:29

Re: Menu options are disabled but working in My Menu...

Messagede vagabond » 22 Juin 2012, 13:27

Hello Farrukh,

Farrukh a écrit:Hi
I want to create and delete some Categories in Main menu, but I can't do it, as popup menu options are disabled (..)
What could be wrong? Please help
You should check the option "Allow modifications" of the concerned tab. Right click on the tab :
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Messages: 491
Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

Re: Menu options are disabled but working in My Menu...

Messagede Farrukh » 22 Juin 2012, 14:11

Ahhh... Thanks a lot buddy... That worked.... :reyes:

I think, in past, I might have disabled it myself and forgot :blink:

Best regards

vagabond a écrit:Hello Farrukh,

Farrukh a écrit:Hi
I want to create and delete some Categories in Main menu, but I can't do it, as popup menu options are disabled (..)
What could be wrong? Please help
You should check the option "Allow modifications" of the concerned tab. Right click on the tab :
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 27
Inscription: 03 Décembre 2010, 15:29

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