[Solved] Firefox 5 and Fritz!Box addon

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[Solved] Firefox 5 and Fritz!Box addon

Messagede JanWalldorf » 30 Août 2011, 12:53

I'm moving all programs that are available in LiberKey from a windows installed version to a LK version on a harddrive partion (N:) not on an USB stick. I think the superb update management of LK apps will save me a lot of time.

After moving FF5 I faced problems with the addon for my Fritz!box 7170 router from AVM in Berlin.
The AVM routine installs fb_add_on@avm.de in N:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\Data\profile\extensions\
During the restart FF5 crashed.
I found N:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\FirefoxLKL.exe crashed,
N:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\App\Firefox\firefox.exe did not but had no addons installed.

I could fix the issue by moving fb_add_on@avm.de from N:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\Data\profile\extensions\ to N:\LiberKey\Apps\Firefox\App\Firefox\extensions\.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 06 Juillet 2011, 00:12

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