[Solved] LiberKey opens up when pressing <WIN>+<v>

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Solved] LiberKey opens up when pressing <WIN>+<v>

Messagede hubutz » 25 Novembre 2010, 14:01


I like LiberKey much, but there is one thing that bugs me a lot... I'm using some clipboard tool and I'm used to get unformatted text out of the clipboard when pressing <WIN><v>. This still works but it's brining up LiberKey to the front every time I do so.
Is there a way to disable LiberKeys "keys" or change them?

Thanks in advance!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

Re: LiberKey opens up when pressing <WIN>+<v>

Messagede skybird » 25 Novembre 2010, 14:13

Hello hubutz.

hubutz a écrit:Is there a way to disable LiberKeys "keys" or change them?

Keyboard shortcuts configuration is in LiberKeyTools >> LiberKey Configuration >> User interface, scroll down >> LiberKey menu access , KeyBoard shortcuts.
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: LiberKey opens up when pressing <WIN>+<v>

Messagede hubutz » 25 Novembre 2010, 14:19

There was <strg>+<left win> definied. but after changing it it seems to work.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

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