[Solved] question--copy Liberkey from harddisk to USB stick

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Solved] question--copy Liberkey from harddisk to USB stick

Messagede toktok » 23 Septembre 2010, 18:52

Here is a probably quite dumb question :S - but just to make sure -

Have installed Liberkey on the harddisk - if I want to install on USB stick - is it just to copy the entire folder with subfolders to the USB stick?

When the Liberkey is updated on the harddisk - how do transfer the updates to the USB stick - again just copying?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 23 Septembre 2010, 18:44

Re: dumb question--copy Liberkey from harddisk to USB stick

Messagede andromede_dc » 23 Septembre 2010, 19:09


toktok a écrit:Here is a probably quite dumb question :S - but just to make sure -

Have installed Liberkey on the harddisk - if I want to install on USB stick - is it just to copy the entire folder with subfolders to the USB stick?


toktok a écrit: When the Liberkey is updated on the harddisk - how do transfer the updates to the USB stick - again just copying?

Or update your stick like your hard disk.
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

Re: dumb question--copy Liberkey from harddisk to USB stick

Messagede toktok » 23 Septembre 2010, 19:12

THANKS! :reyes:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 23 Septembre 2010, 18:44

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