[Solved] Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray

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[Solved] Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray

Messagede Dirki » 04 Octobre 2010, 11:41

I want SearchEverything to start on LiberKey start up automatically just showing SearchEverything's icon in the system tray, so SearchEverything ought not to be fully or minimized opened.

When LiberKey automatically starts SearchEverything on start up a message of the user account management appears, saying something like „Do you want that the programm makes changes...?“. After clicking „Yes“ SearchEverything starts fully opened, instead of only with an icon in the system tray.

How can I make it, that SearchEverything starts without being opened and without having to answer the administrator message?
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray?

Messagede Lockszmith » 04 Octobre 2010, 22:12

Searching Google for "everything search command line" produced the following page as the 1st hit,
in it the first item is this.

so the easiest answer would be to add the "-startup" parameter to the shortcut properties, and walla, Everything starts in the tray.
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Re: Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray?

Messagede Dirki » 30 Octobre 2010, 14:10

Thank you very much, Lockszmith,

I have added "-startup" in LiberKey „Properties“, Tab „Advanced“ in „Parameters“ and checked the box „Always run as administrator“ (in „Properties“, then „Application Properties“, tab „Advanced“ is another field „Properties“; I am wondering what that means).

And „Everything“ starts in system tray, but before I have to answer the administrator message („Start as administrator?“).

How could I avoid this message?

Many thanks again, nice greetings, Dirk
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Expert Boarder
Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray?

Messagede Lockszmith » 01 Novembre 2010, 12:02

Hi again,

Glad I could help.

What you are now encountering is the dreded UAC which was introduced by Vista.

Googleing for "disabling UAC for a program" produced numerous results, after adding the words "windows 7" I got additional links.

I found this article to be the most clear and easy to follow, I've done it myself in this way before, and this works perfect.
Hope you find it useful.
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Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray?

Messagede MicketsBR » 18 Novembre 2010, 13:59

Lockszmith a écrit:Searching Google for "everything search command line" produced the following page as the 1st hit,
in it the first item is this.

so the easiest answer would be to add the "-startup" parameter to the shortcut properties, and walla, Everything starts in the tray.

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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Start SearchEverything automatically in system tray?

Messagede Dirki » 28 Décembre 2010, 13:47

Many thanks again, Lockszmith,

Sorry for hesitating. All works fine now.

Thanks again for your help and search.

And, MicketsBR, thanks for your posting, that helped very much, also.

Nice greetings, Dirk
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

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