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Messagede holowman » 21 Avril 2012, 22:47

Author: Code::blocks team, with many guys there + supporters
Available languages: English, .mo and .po files can be also downloaded from the official forum, there's a guide how to use and everything. French, German, Japanese, Chinese, many more are supported in this way.
Compatibility with operating systems: Windows 2000+(32/64 bit), Linux (All major, 64 bit for Debian), Mac OSX
Type of License: GPL v3, Freeware, Opensource
Author description: From software's About
Welcome to Code::Blocks 10.05!
Code::Blocks is a full-featured IDE (Integrated Development Environment) aiming to make the individual developer (and the development team) work in a nice programming environment offering everything he/they would ever need from a program of that kind.
Its pluggable architecture allows you, the developer, to add any kind of functionality to the core program, through the use of plugins...
Your opinion: Beginner programmers must have. Everyone works on it. I personally recommend it to everyone. It is great. Freeware and opensource, for what can you ask more.
A link to the author website:
A link to the download page:

Something more from

Code::Blocks is the open-source, cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility.
Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins.

Most important official available plugins (included) are:
* Compiler frontend to many free compilers
* Debugger frontend for GDB (and CDB for windows platforms)
* Source formatter (based on AStyle)
* Code profiler (based on gprof)
* Wizard to create new classes
* Code-completion / class-browser (work in progress)
* Code statistics (SLOCs etc)
* Source exporter to PDF/HTML/ODT/RTF
* Help
* Keyboard shortcuts configuration
* Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins
* To-do list
* GUI RAD builder (wxSmith)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 16 Avril 2012, 17:08

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