Convert All

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Convert All

Messagede hwuensche » 02 Décembre 2009, 17:35

This would be a nice unit converter to put into LiberKey.

Topic Title: Convert All / Convert All Portable

Compatibility: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and Linux
License: Freeware.
Author's description:

What is ConvertAll?

Why write another unit converter? There are plenty of them out there. Well, I couldn't find one that worked quite the way I wanted.

With ConvertAll, you can combine the units any way you want. If you want to convert from inches per decade, that's fine. Or from meter-pounds. Or from cubic nautical miles. The units don't have to make sense to anyone else.

ConvertAll Features

* The base units for conversion may be either typed (with auto-completion) or selected from a list.
* Units may be selected using either an abbreviation or a full name.
* Units may be combined with the "*" and "/" operators.
* Units may be raised to powers with the "^" operator.
* Units with non-linear scales, such as temperature, can also be converted.
* A unit list may be filtered and searched
* Numbers may be entered on either the "From" or the "To" units side, for conversions in both directions.
* Basic mathematical expressions may be entered in place of numbers.
* Options control the formatting of numerical results.
* The unit data includes over 400 units.
* The format of the unit data file makes it easy to add additional units.
* Command line options are available to do conversions without the GUI.

Advantage: The program is more powerful and flexible than the two unit converters intergrated so far.
Inconvenients: Can't see any

Download page:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:52

Re: Convert All

Messagede Dji » 02 Décembre 2009, 17:56

I did not see any advantage with the already integrated converber but maybe I missed something, could you let us know ?

P.S :convertall user interface is really old school.... (to be honest, absolutely awful on my point of view...)
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Re: Convert All

Messagede hwuensche » 04 Décembre 2009, 08:57

Okay, only as an example: Try to convert "grams per square meter" to the American "ounzes per square yard". Show me how to do that in converber.

You are right, the look of Convert All is also not my favorite. But this is a questions of the personal taste. More important than the look is the performance of the software ... in my opinion.

Best regards
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:52

Re: Convert All

Messagede Laurentxp » 23 Mai 2010, 16:45

Setting in AppData\Roaming\bellz\convertall\convertall.ini
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