Don't sleep

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Don't sleep

Messagede Zalok » 23 Février 2012, 01:32

Although it is already a portable software, it could be an interesting application.

It stops a computer from going into hibernation, or to allow only partial hibernation. Really usefull at times.

And it is not open source but free to distribute (but not to sell)...
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 23 Février 2012, 01:28

Re: Don't sleep

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 23 Février 2012, 21:02

Please mention the homepage of the utility at least... :blink:
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 213
Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

Re: Don't sleep

Messagede ribbit » 19 Août 2014, 17:45

Just searched to see if anyone requested this before and found this thread.
I 2nd it.

Home page is:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 12:29

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