Easiest Break Reminder for Windows

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Easiest Break Reminder for Windows

Postby lkjnim » 05 December 2019, 10:10

Title: Easiest Break Reminder for Windows

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
License: Freeware.
Author's description:

"Easiest Break Reminder for Windows" is a full-screen break reminder, it's free, portable and open source

    1. Rest is more important than work, it forces you to take regular breaks
    2. Option to play audio during breaks so that when the audio stops, you know you should go back to work
    3. It's cool to say a custom word before the break
    4. It can show custom rotated photos during breaks, which is interesting
    5. Show 30 seconds countdown clock before break

Website : https://easiestsoft.com/win/a-life-is-rotation-timer/
Download page: https://easiestsoft.com/win/a-life-is-rotation-timer/
Author: https://easiestsoft.com/
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Joined: 05 December 2019, 10:04

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